Business Relocation

Ready for the market? We´ll take you there!

Let's work together to get things done.

A company relocation - as well as the consolidation of various departments and branches - is a complex logistical challenge requiring a high degree of expertise.

Everything needs to be moved: Files, supplies, data processing, archives, technical devices and documentation. Your company cannot afford any delays in operation!

Max Müller Umzüge provides full support, from professional guidance to inventory management, CAD-based interior planning and employee training, backed by 40 years of professional experience in company relocation and consolidation.


Our image film

See us 2:20 min at work for:

     Challenge - Main move in 8 days
     Relocation volume approx. 6.500 cbm (190 truckloads)
     Difficulty: large medical devices, 4.000 qm small parts storage